Monday, June 4, 2012

Gabion Retaining Walls - Check List

Gabions are a type of gravity retaining walls in Civil Engineering context.They are made of  rectangular containers fabricated in  thick galvanized wire which are filled with stones and stacked on one another.
They are mainly used in situations where we cannot use RRM (Random Rubble Masonry ) retaining walls to address unstable ground conditions.River embankments,marshy lands,culvert approaches are such situations.
In this post i wish to discuss what are the key points that we should pay attention to maintain the quality during construction.
Use cages depending on the site conditions.
Gabions come as coated and non coated galvanized cages.You have to chose between the two according to the site conditions.For an instant if we are constructing gabions in a coastal area coated cages are the best match.

Use a Geo-Textile layer covering the  embankment face.
Excavate at least 400mm from the original ground level
Pack the boxes do not fill.
Incline the walls 6 degrees towards the embankment face.
Tie the cages firmly to each other.
Do not use stones smaller then gabion net size.
If it's a river bank excavate 2ft below the river bed level.

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